Let me tell you a little more about myself:

I am a retired Kindergarten teacher of 25 years.  I have been married to my husband Joe for 27 years.  We have two daughters, Marisa, who is a CPA in Chicago and Lauren, who is in her final year of college in Florida. Yes,
 Joe and I are empty nesters now~how can that be?
In 2018, I actually became a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator,
(after many years of saying "I will NEVER make Cards!")
It all started with a cute coffee cup and succulents Paper Pumpkin kit that was for sale at a Stampin' Up retreat where I was scrapbooking.  After completing the kit, I was hooked.  I especially loved the color coordination that is signature to Stampin' Up!  My family and friends will tell you I have planned many a vacations and family photos with us in coordinating clothing.  

I am now a Silver Elite Demonstrator with a team, called the Stampin' Gems.  I have earned 2 incentive trips, spoken at three Stampin' Up! Events, earned many other achievements as well in the past 2 years and look forward to growing my business even more!

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